The Lonely Life of Biddy Weir

So, day 8 on the Blog Tour, prior to the novel's publication on 3 November, 2016.
I am delighted that Lesley has shared the five things that she can't write without- pop over to my Lifestyle section to see what they are.
And for any aspriring writers out there, do you agree with her, what would yours be? My list keeps changing!
In the meantime, here are my thoughts on this amazing book...
In my opinion...
It is not often that I read a novel, and the character continues to live with me, but Biddy Weir did.
I loved this book, even though I hated the subject matter.
I adored our heroine, but I was horrified by her tormentors.
Yes, Biddy is quirky, maybe rather odd, probably similar to someone we all knew at school- but life has dealt her a pretty tough hand, a mother who just vanished and a very old fashioned father. In spite of these disadvantages, she trudges on through life, head down, showing a stoicism we have to admire.
There are some excruciating toe curling moments, but there are also some extremely funny ones.
There is drama, and beautiful descriptions like Biddy’s communications with the falcons.
For anyone who has ever been aware of bullying, whether towards an adult or child, you will understand the distress caused. For anyone who may have picked on an underdog, or, by not intervening, tacitly condoning the behaviour, Lesley Allen does not pull her punches, you are equally guilty.
This was a very brave novel to write, it is not a standard story- but from what Lesley's notes say at the end of the novel, it seems she had no choice- Biddy demanded to tell her story. And what a tale it is.
It is not without hope and optimism for a better future. She is surrounded by a memorable cast of realistic characters, which includes people who are truly good.
For a first novel, I think it is outstanding. I am delighted that Biddy found Lesley.
And I still can’t stop thinking about Biddy Weir
My thanks to Carmen Jimenez at Bonnier Zaffre for providing me with an ARC of this book
Want to know more?...
Biddy Weir is a quirky girl.
Abandoned by her mother as a baby, and w ith a father w ho's not quite equipped for the challenges of modern parenting, Biddy lives in her ow n little w orld, happy to pass her time painting by the sea and w atching the birds go by. That is, until she meets Alison Flemming.
Because there are a few things about Biddy that aren't normal, you see. And Alison isn't afraid to point them out to the world.
All of a sudden, Biddy's quiet life is thrown into turmoil. If only there was someone to convince her that, actually, everyone's a little bit weird . . .
I was drinking...
Coffee and a Kimberley biscuit,well it had to be didn't it! Wondering why? You'll find out when you read the novel.

My rating...
A stunning five. Well done, Biddy.