People Like Her by Ellery Lloyd

In my opinion...
Loved it-and raced through it!
Different & addictive, a debut novel which confronts a very contemporary subject, the lives of Instagram Influencers, and how they affect others.
The glamorous lifestyle, the constant posing, taking of photos, breaking off from a conversation as something more interesting has arrived on the phone, we’ve all witnessed that, or maybe we even do it ourselves?
This page-turning story is strongly plotted and told using 3 different voices, all of which move the story along at a good pace. In spite of her faults, I actually found Emmy an appealing and fascinating character, I was intrigued by her role, even though it also felt uncomfortable.
Emmy’s husband Dan presents a different perspective to their lives and underlying this aspirational lifestyle is the menace and dark tone of the third voice.
It is obvious that something is going to happen, so that Emmy learns a lesson- but what? When that something does happens, it is extremely distressing.
A fascinating story with a strong moral theme of what can happen & how much responsibility influencers do have to society.
I found it interesting that a husband and wife team wrote the novel -I assume they respectively wrote the male & female stories- certainly both voices felt very natural & authentic.
Want to know more?
People like Emmy Jackson. They always have. Especially online, where she is Instagram sensation Mamabare, famous for always telling the unvarnished truth about modern parenthood.
But Emmy isn’t as honest as she’d like the fans to believe. She may think she has her followers fooled, but someone out there knows the truth and plans to make her pay. Because people like her have no idea what pain careless words can cause. Because people like her need to learn what it feels like to lose everything.
A smart and thrilling debut that delves into the darkest aspects of influencer culture, Ellery Lloyd’s People Like Her is about what you risk losing when you don’t know who’s watching . . .
My rating
In a the midst of a grey winter, what a delight to read!

Thank you PanMacmillan & NetGalley for my ARC