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The Herd by Emily Edwards

In my opinion...

I really wasn't sure about this novel, probably because there has been so much talk about herd immunity over the past couple of years. If there's one thing that I haven't wanted to read about, it's the pandemic.

I needn't have worried, as the herd immunity referred to in this story, was for a very different reason, and there's the challenge. This is going to make for great book club debates, discussing the fors & against in this controversial and interesting story.

It makes for compulsive reading, due to its balanced arguments and right until the end I was unsure what the conclusion would be.

Want to know more?

You should never judge how someone chooses to raise their child.

Elizabeth and Bryony are polar opposites but their unexpected friendship has always worked. They're the best of friends, and godmothers to each other's daughters - because they trust that the safety of their children is both of their top priority.

But what if their choice could harm your own child?

Little do they know that they differ radically over one very important issue. And when Bryony, afraid of being judged, tells what is supposed to be a harmless white lie before a child's birthday party, the consequences are more catastrophic than either of them could ever have imagined . . .

Thank you Random House UK, Transworld Publishers & NetGalley for my copy of this discussion provoking novel

My rating...

Somewhere between 3 and 4 glasses...there are always two sides to a story...


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