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The Perfect Nanny by Karen Clarke & Amanda Brittany

In my opinion...

A compelling fast read, which interestingly was written by two authors- I would love to know how they worked together and plotted it!

I suspect they wrote a character each, as the story is told from the perspectives of Sophy, ‘the mother’ and Liv ‘the nanny’- and both characters are very credible, dragging you into their stories.

There is a whole supporting cast of other characters, who are all interesting and realistic. The novel has numerous twists and red herrings and is satisfyingly tied up…then there’s just one more final twist…I can just see the writers sitting back, laughing to each other & saying, ‘Shall we? Yes, let’s do it!’

Enjoyable, high speed, easy Bank Holiday reading.

Thank you NetGalley & HQDigital for my ARC.

Want to know more?

You trust her with your home, your husband, your baby… but she is about to destroy it all.

Sophy Pemberton is struggling to cope with the pressures of becoming a new mother. Her nine-month-old son never settles in her arms and the unrelenting tiredness from late night feeds is all consuming.

So, when Liv Granger from the mother and baby group offers her services as a nanny, Sophy is overcome with relief. Now she can finally get some sleep… She can stop failing at being a mother.

But Liv has a secret.

She is convinced that Sophy was accountable for her brother’s tragic death and she has been searching for her for years.

And now that Liv’s found her, she’s outraged Sophy seems oblivious to the pain she has caused her family.

Sophy’s perfect house, perfect husband and perfect baby are too much for Liv to bear… and she’s going to make her pay.

My rating...

A breathless 4 glasses


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